Monday, July 2, 2007

Today as yesterday, as the day before

Today as yesterday, I ponder of tomorrowAnd in the midst see the visions of beforeAs time shall pass, so too will the yearningof another day gone past, and promise of light goneThe light I seek, the petals I touchThe passion within, the sorrow feltThe knowledge of how it will beThe intentions of the dew tricklethe honey never tasting sweeterThe creatures that once hovered, and quenched their thirst in delight,Come around no more, leaving the dew to dryIs it possible that the dew will feell moisture again?Is it poosible for the flower to bloom?Is it possible that the light will fill the petals, and bring about a transformation yet again?Or has the flower become so perfect, so soft, so lovely,that the creature fears it? Fear of trespassing, on theperfection within, therefore leaving the flower to remain untouched?Is more a sin, to leave the flower untouched for fear,then it is to embelish and drown in it's perfection?This is the story of my life,This is the shadow of my future.I accept the honor, I accept the pain, I swallow the sorrow that which in my future remains.It is my destiny, It is my curse, I stand alone,I flourinsh with pride, I stride in perfection,I await my summon, in the hall of nature.

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